
The Italian automaker enters its hundredth year in business a year from now, being officially founded on December 1, 1914. A series of activities is planned to celebrate the centenary, which can be found at a newly launched website––to keep owners, fans and collectors informed of the year’s festivities. The biggest event will be an official Maserati gathering in Modena from September 19-21, 2014. As many as 250 Maserati models from all over the world are expected to descend on the town, with driving routes on local roads and even track sessions available. If you’ve a Maserati tucked away that needs an outing, make it this one. The Museo Casa Enzo Ferrari in Modena will also host a series of historic models, and this Friday, Maserati will be presented with a special centennial book to celebrate its last 100 years.

Source: Motor Authority

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