
Saudi Arabia government is creating new laws to put a stop to an increasing number of dangerous drifting sessions on public roads. Arab News is reporting that under the new laws first-time drifters will get their vehicles confiscated for a month and will also have to pay a 10,000 SAR (about 2,600 USD) fine. Second-timers will lose their car for three months and will pay double the fine. In addition, they could also end up in jail for a period between 6 to 12 months. Those who care caught drifting for the third time will not only be incarcerated for a longer period of time but their vehicles will be impounded for 1 to 5 years and will have to pay a 40,000 SAR (10,600 USD) fine. Interestingly, those found on the passenger seat as well as spectators will be considered accomplices and will have to pay a 1,500 SAR fine and/or get their vehicle confiscated for a minimum of 15 days. Source: World Car Fans

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