Loving a Lambo Half-Heartedly… Literally


Admit it — when you get your dream supercar, you’d take good care of it, not even let a fly scratch it, even love it more than your girlfriend or wife (sometimes).

Apparently, not everyone has this thinking. A 40-year old entrepreneur from Thailand apparently believes he had too much of a good thing, as he crashed his Lamborghini Gallardo. Bad enough? Just look at how it was ripped in half. Yes, that bad. Definitely cringe-worthy.

The driver said he was traveling at around 93 mph in heavy rain when the accident occurred. I believe this may qualify as “too fast for the conditions.” The resulting impact was enough to break the car in two, a fact he apparently didn’t realize until he stepped out of the passenger compartment, essentially unscathed, and saw the car’s rear end sitting in the street. Rescue crews found him talking on his phone when they arrived on the scene.

But maybe the driver can chalk his walking away from the shunt up to more than luck: The newspaper also reports that he stopped at a temple before the crash, where a friend recommended he wear a Buddha amulet before setting off on his drive. He did so, and here we are. Whether it was plain old good fortune or a higher power looking out for him, he lives to drive another day. Just not this particular Gallardo.

Just another “oh no he didn’t just do it to a Lambo” moment, we guess.

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