Watch: Nissan Navara teaser video

navara teaser

The hype for the new 2015 Nissan Navara continues, as the Japanese car company released another teaser video before the pickup truck’s launch tomorrow, June 11.

Latching on the tagline “premium life on board,” the interior cabin of Nissan’s new ride was shown in the footage, promising to be spacious, comfortable and convenient.

Noticeable features include a medium-sized touchscreen display, dual zone climate control system, three-spoke steering wheel with built-in controls, along with a pair of conventional dials separated by a digital screen providing useful information. In the lower section of the central dashboard there seems to be a power outlet along with the 4WD selector knob.

The video also shows Nissan will offer the 2015 Navara/Frontier with leather upholstery, an automatic transmission and A-pillar-mounted handles, while higher-end versions will also benefit from silver and chrome touches.

To watch the video, click this link.

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